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Our specialised drones offer a fast and cost-effective alternative to traditional methods. This advanced technology excels in efficiently covering large areas, even in challenging conditions like dense vegetation or varying terrain. Our drones capture high-quality data and perform essential tasks with exceptional accuracy, helping you manage crops more effectively and optimise yields. 

We can cover between 100-200 hectares a day, offering a swift and cost-effective alternative to traditional methods. They operate in all weather conditions and leave no footprint, significantly reducing soil compaction compared to heavy plant machinery.

Discover how our cutting-edge agricultural drone services can transform your farming operations, providing unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, and actionable insights for superior crop management from above.


Plant Protection

Our agricultural drone service offers an innovative solution for plant protection, currently focusing on organic methods such as the precise application of nematodes to combat pests. This environmentally friendly approach ensures effective pest control while maintaining the integrity of organic farming practices. Looking ahead, we are also preparing to expand our services to include the application of pesticides and herbicides, pending industry approval by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) HSE & CND. This will enable us to offer a comprehensive range of plant protection solutions, tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern agriculture.



Our agricultural drone service offers a powerful tool for regenerative farming, combining precision with speed. Capable of covering 100-200 hectares a day, our drones can efficiently apply seeds without soil contact, allowing farmers to plant cover crops well before the main harvest. This early seeding accelerates cover crop growth, providing crucial soil protection and enhancing biodiversity immediately after harvest. By integrating this fast and effective method into their farming practices, farmers can significantly improve soil health, boost crop yields, and contribute to more sustainable and regenerative agricultural systems.



Elite offers a highly efficient solution for spraying products, combining precision with remarkable speed. Capable of covering 100-200 hectares a day, our drones ensure the accurate application of products, whether for plant protection, fertilisation, or soil enhancement. This technology allows for targeted spraying, reducing waste and minimising environmental impact, while reaching areas that might be difficult or time-consuming with traditional methods. By integrating our fast and effective drone spraying service, farmers can optimise their crop management practices, enhance yields, and support sustainable agricultural practices.

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